Tuesday, December 25, 2007

MeRRy ChrisTmaS

Phew... have not been blogging for so long..haiz.. Busy working to earn 1k to get my N95 and Ralph Lauren shirt..HAHA!!! i've only got 2 weeks to get the 1k, so i gotta like work FREAKING hard. I have been lifeless this 2weeks. But i do get back my life on "SATURDAYS". Watching new movies, eating in new places and hanging out with my buddies..WOW!! that's wat i call "GET A LIFE".

Did not go for christmas countdown in town for the 1st time since 4years..DAMN it. I would have to sacrifice my sleep and i was not willing to sacrifice it as i will be having another tough day on the 26th. I've to go to my aunt's house to celebrate. I would be too shag for it i guess. But i dont have a choice. It will be fun actually getting to eat Turkey,Ham,Logcake and meeting my relatives. Its just once in a year.

I dont care. The NEW YEAR'S COUNTDOWN gonna be AWESOME!!! im gonna like celebrate it like never before, since i missed the christmas fun.YEAH!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fucked up daY!!!

Phew!! Had a terrible day todae..when to work and was doing cashier(kena SABOH).. While 'e' oulet was busy(8pm) my manager told me to go get a cake for a particular table..the woman actually ordered a 600g cake. But my manager only told me to get a cake and the flavour..and since 1kg is so common, i didnt bother to ask and took the 1kg cake. I lighted up the cake and even clapped while they were singing the bdae song. Soon, a while later my manager asked me "Did u give them a 1kg or 600g cake", i replied "1kg la, u nvr tell me wat". Then we stared at each other and i was like SHITZ its suppose to be 600g. So i went to the customer and told her "excuse me, sorry but i gave u a 1kg cake juz now". I expected her to pay the price difference since she already ate the cake. But she replied "you gimme the 1kg cake its not my fault wat!". i was like "nbcb, you already ate the cake then juz pay la(CHEAPSKATE)". So i had to fork out the rest of the money for her. Then i was like, how nice if i could tell her "Excuse me since u paid only for 600g, can u gimme back the 400g? coz im the 1 paying for it''... i labelled her as "BITCH OF THE DAY". How nice would it be if people like her can eat cakes and DIE..the next time i see her on the road i will say "GET A LIFE BITCH, u ate my 400g of cake".HAHA!!

Im not being petty. It was my fault but wat i didnt like is that since she already ate it then juz offer to pay la..at least if she pretended to pay, i would have said nvm it was my fault..she still got the cheek to say "ITS NOT HER FAULT"..knn..(ok all the bad words juz came out so its a RATED R21 blog :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

"Happiest Day of the WeeK"

Wow!!! Had the best day of exams todae!!(YEAH). I started studying at 8am-1030am for the paper that im gonna take in like 1130am. And guess wat? the paper was super easy. I could score 80/100 or more. I knew all the questions, and all the questions that i tried out earlier, everything came out. And when i left the exam hall i acted as if i didnt know how to do!!and i acted as though the paper was difficult(HAHA, muz act humble wat). But as i was going home i juz asked a guy "Eh so how was the paper?" and he replied "Easy Peasy la". At that moment i was like "Ya la damn easy"(boasting). Then i realised what if i failed the paper(DIE!!!). He will definitely reply "Aiyah, u say easy then still fail. WTF!!". So i better pray that i pass this paper. And its the last day of school. I get to ENJOY already(But actually i've been enjoying ever since school was open.lol.) Lemme think where can i go and eat next? Hmm...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hate having exams

Exams is like tml and i still had the time to go out todae!! yeah. Gotta do some last min studying later at night i tot.Went down to Suntec todae, and decided to go somewhere to eat.."anywhere" as long as the food was nice..But after walking around the whole area for like an hour we(me and raizahan) ended up eating in Seoul Garden. The food quality of that place is super bad. The tongs were so oily, and after eating the food both of us had stomach pain.DAMN!. Then we went to play DAYTONA(old skool game) haha. But it was fun, i love driving. Then we walked pass MILLENIA WALK carpark and gosh i saw a ferrari,BMW,mini cooper and a lamborghini all parked side by side, i was like SHITZ im gonna own one of that car 1 day. After the stomach pain and all, i had to have dessert(HAHA) so we went to cofy bean to have my favourite CARROT cake. YEAH had a WONderful day todae.(But im like so tired, i think im not gonna study, gonna do it tomoro morning..HAHA..)

First blog i've ever written in my entire life..

Hi!!! (erm not very sure im saying Hi to whom..HAHA!!) why do peeps write blogs? izzit for the fun of it or for the KPO's to read..