Friday, December 14, 2007

"Happiest Day of the WeeK"

Wow!!! Had the best day of exams todae!!(YEAH). I started studying at 8am-1030am for the paper that im gonna take in like 1130am. And guess wat? the paper was super easy. I could score 80/100 or more. I knew all the questions, and all the questions that i tried out earlier, everything came out. And when i left the exam hall i acted as if i didnt know how to do!!and i acted as though the paper was difficult(HAHA, muz act humble wat). But as i was going home i juz asked a guy "Eh so how was the paper?" and he replied "Easy Peasy la". At that moment i was like "Ya la damn easy"(boasting). Then i realised what if i failed the paper(DIE!!!). He will definitely reply "Aiyah, u say easy then still fail. WTF!!". So i better pray that i pass this paper. And its the last day of school. I get to ENJOY already(But actually i've been enjoying ever since school was Lemme think where can i go and eat next? Hmm...

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