Monday, December 17, 2007

Fucked up daY!!!

Phew!! Had a terrible day todae..when to work and was doing cashier(kena SABOH).. While 'e' oulet was busy(8pm) my manager told me to go get a cake for a particular table..the woman actually ordered a 600g cake. But my manager only told me to get a cake and the flavour..and since 1kg is so common, i didnt bother to ask and took the 1kg cake. I lighted up the cake and even clapped while they were singing the bdae song. Soon, a while later my manager asked me "Did u give them a 1kg or 600g cake", i replied "1kg la, u nvr tell me wat". Then we stared at each other and i was like SHITZ its suppose to be 600g. So i went to the customer and told her "excuse me, sorry but i gave u a 1kg cake juz now". I expected her to pay the price difference since she already ate the cake. But she replied "you gimme the 1kg cake its not my fault wat!". i was like "nbcb, you already ate the cake then juz pay la(CHEAPSKATE)". So i had to fork out the rest of the money for her. Then i was like, how nice if i could tell her "Excuse me since u paid only for 600g, can u gimme back the 400g? coz im the 1 paying for it''... i labelled her as "BITCH OF THE DAY". How nice would it be if people like her can eat cakes and DIE..the next time i see her on the road i will say "GET A LIFE BITCH, u ate my 400g of cake".HAHA!!

Im not being petty. It was my fault but wat i didnt like is that since she already ate it then juz offer to pay least if she pretended to pay, i would have said nvm it was my fault..she still got the cheek to say "ITS NOT HER FAULT"..knn..(ok all the bad words juz came out so its a RATED R21 blog :)

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